Financopedia / Accounting / Classified Balance Sheet – Definition and Examples
Classified Balance Sheet - Definition and Examples
- By Jordan Salas
- May 8, 2023
- Accounting
The classified balance sheet is one of the two types of balance sheets used by businesses.
The other type is the unclassified balance sheet.
The classified balance sheet is more common because it provides a more detailed picture of the financial health of the business.
The classified balance sheet classified assets and balance sheet liabilities into three categories: current assets, long-term assets, and current liabilities.
This classification helps investors and creditors to assess the short-term and long-term financial stability of the company.
How useful is the Classified Balance Sheet format?
The classified balance sheet is one of the most important financial statements for a business.
It provides an overview of the company’s assets, liabilities, and equity at a given point in time.
You can prepare the balance sheet in either the classified or unclassified format.
More common and provides more information
The classified balance sheet is more common and provides more information about the company’s financial position.
There is a separation between current assets from long-term assets.
And also separation between current liabilities from long-term liabilities.
This format makes it easier to see how well the company is managing its short-term and long-term obligations.
See how each type of equity contributes
Additionally, the equity section is split into separate categories, such as common stock, preferred stock, and retained earnings.
This allows investors to see how each type of equity contributes to the overall financial strength of the company.
While the classified balance sheet format provides more information than the unclassified format, some businesses prefer the latter because it is simpler and easier to understand.
Ultimately, the decision of which format to use depends on the needs of the business and its shareholders.
Examples of common balance sheet classifications for classified balance sheets
The most common classification scheme divides assets into categories such as cash, accounts receivable, and inventory; and liabilities into categories such as accounts payable, short-term debt, and long-term debt.
Other classifications are also possible, however, such as classifying assets as current or non-current or classifying liabilities as secured or unsecured in the balance sheet.
Intangible assets
Intangible assets, such as patents and copyrights, can also be classified separately from other assets.
A classified balance sheet example can provide valuable insights into a company’s financial health and performance through intangible assets.
By allowing users to quickly see how much debt a company has relative to its assets, for example, a classified balance sheet can help flag potential financial risks.
In addition, by breaking down the component of a company’s Balance Sheet, a classified balance sheet example can provide insights into which areas may be strengths or weaknesses for the company.
As a result, classified balance sheet accounts are an important tool for both investors and managers.
Classified balance sheet format: Asset, Liability, and the Equity section
A classified balance sheet is one that separates assets and liabilities into different categories.
This makes it easier to see where a company’s strengths and weaknesses lie, and to make decisions about how to allocate resources.
The three main sections of a classified balance sheet makes are assets, liabilities, and equity.
Current assets
Current assets are cash and other assets that are reasonably expected to be converted to cash or consumed either in the operating cycle or within one year.
Noncurrent assets are those assets that are not expected to be converted to cash or consumed either in the operating cycle or within one year.
The deferred outflow of resources are expenditures that have been incurred but not yet paid as of the balance sheet date.
Fixed assets
Most businesses have fixed assets, which are tangible items that will be used for long-term business purposes and are not expected to be sold or converted into cash within the next year.
Fixed assets list on the balance sheet under the heading “property, plant, and equipment.”
Common examples of fixed assets include buildings, vehicles, machinery, and office equipment.
Fixed asset typically has a lifespan of several years, so they are not classified as current assets.
The acquisition of the fixed assets category can be financed through long-term debt or equity.
Investing in fixed assets is a key part of growing a business, as they provide the necessary infrastructure for conducting operations.
Businesses must carefully consider whether an item should be classified as a fixed asset, as this designation can have tax implications.
For example, if a business purchases a vehicle for $20,000 that it expects to use for five years, it would be classified as a fixed asset.
The business would then depreciate the vehicle over its five-year lifespan.
However, if the business only expects to use the vehicle for two years before selling it, it would be classified as inventory and would not be eligible for depreciation.
Current liability
The current portion classified as current liabilities on the balance sheet includes items such as accounts payable, income taxes payable, dividends payable, and unearned revenue.
Current liabilities are debts expected to be paid more than one year in the future.
Such items might include bonds payable and mortgage payable.
Equity includes common stock, retained earnings, and treasury stock.
The classified balance sheet takes users of financial statements to assess a company’s liquidity and solvency with current liabilities.
Ratios that focus on the relationship of current assets to current liabilities are commonly used to measure liquidity.
While ratios that focus on the relationship of total assets to total liabilities reflect Solvency.
For example, if a company’s current ratio is 2:1 or higher, it is generally considered to have good short-term liquidity.
A debt ratio below 0.5:1 indicates that a company has a strong ability to meet its long-term obligations.
Long-term liabilities
Long-term liabilities are obligations that are not due for more than one year.
Examples of long-term liabilities include bonds payable, mortgage loans, additional paid-in capital, and deferred tax liabilities.
While long-term liabilities are typically less risky than short-term liabilities, they can still have a significant impact on a company’s financial health.
For example, if a company takes out a loan to finance expansion plans, the resulting increase in liabilities could put pressure on the company’s cash flow.
As a result, it is important for investors to carefully consider a company’s liability burden before making an investment.
The equity section
The equity section includes all of the ownership interests in the company.
This includes common stock, preferred stock, retained earnings, and any other reserves.
A classified balance sheet can provide valuable insights into a company’s financial health and cash flow.
By understanding the different types of assets and liabilities, decision-makers can make informed choices about how to allocate resources and manage risk.
Shareholders equity
Shareholders’ equity represents the portion of a company’s assets that the shareholders owe.
This can be classified into several different accounts, including bank loans, additional paid-in capital, and retained earnings.
Shareholders’ equity can be a positive or negative number, depending on the value of the assets and liabilities of the company.
A positive shareholders equity indicates that the company has more assets than liabilities.
While a negative shareholders equity indicates that the company has more liabilities than assets.
Net worth
If a company has a high net worth, it means that the company is financially healthy and has a lot of resources that it can use to grow and expand its business.
Conversely, if a company has a low net worth, it may be in financial trouble and may have difficulty meeting its obligations.
Either way, shareholders’ equity is an important metric to consider when evaluating a company’s financial health.
Accounting equation
The Accounting equation is the foundation for all double-entry bookkeeping.
This equation must always balance, meaning that total assets will always equal the sum of liabilities and equity.
The operating cycle is the time it takes to turn current assets into cash and then back into current assets again.
In order to ensure that the accounting equation stays in balance, businesses need to carefully track all inflows and outflows of cash.
Most people are using this information to prepare financial statements, which provide a snapshot of the company’s financial health.
By understanding and following the accounting equation, businesses can ensure that their books are always in order.
How to use the accounting equation with classified balance sheets?
For any business, knowing how to read and use a classified balance sheet is vitally important.
This document provides a snapshot of the company’s financial health and you can use it to make informed decisions about the future.
The accounting equation is the foundation of the classified balance sheet. It states that assets must equal liabilities plus equity.
This equation should always balance.
Fixed assets are items you cant convert to cash easily, such as buildings or machinery.
Those are the first you write on the balance sheet.
Next, there are current assets, which you can convert quickly to cash, such as inventory or accounts receivable.
Finally, there are liabilities and equity.
Liabilities are money you owe to others, while equity is the owner’s investment in the business.
Together, these three categories provide a clear picture of the company’s financial status.
With this information in hand, businesses can make sound decisions about where to allocate their resources.
For more information about finance and accounting view more of our articles.

Jordan Salas
Jordan is an experienced CPA and an author & editor at Financopedia. Over the past 12 years, he has written tax and financial content for leading brands. His writing has been featured in Forbes, The Los Angeles Times, Walstreet journal, and more. Jordan enjoys watching old movies and hiking in his free time.
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